Agjencia e Inteligjencës Financiare

Njoftimi i Këshillit të Sigurimit të Kombeve të Bashkuara 31.08.2022 – (SC/15012 30 August 2022)-(HEQJE)

Security Council 1518 Sanctions Committee Removes One Entry from Its Sanctions List

(SC/15012 30 August 2022)-(HEQJE)


On 30 August 2022, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1518 (2003) removed the following entry from its Sanctions List of individuals and entities:

A. Individuals

IQi.077 Name: 1: SAHIR 2: BERHAN 3: na 4: na
Name (original script): ??????? ?????? ???????
Title: na Designation: na DOB: 1967 POB: na Good quality a.k.a.: a) Dr. Sahir Barhan b) Saher Burhan Al-Deen c) Sahir Burhan Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Iraq Passport no: na National identification no: na Address: a) Baghdad, Iraq b) United Arab Emirates (possibly) Listed on: 2 Jun. 2004 Other information:

Press releases concerning changes to the Committee’s Sanctions List may be found in the “Press Releases” section on the Committee’s website at the following URL:

The updated version of the Committee’s Sanctions List, available in HTML, PDF and XML format, may be found at the following URL:

The United Nations Security Council Consolidated List is also updated following all changes made to the Committee’s Sanctions List and is accessible at the following URL: