Më 9 nëntor 2021, Komiteti i Këshillit të Sigurimit i krijuar në bazë të rezolutës 2140 (2014) miratoi shtimin e hyrjeve të specifikuara më poshtë në Listën e tij të Sanksioneve të individëve dhe subjekteve që u nënshtrohen masave të vendosura nga rezolutat 2140 (2014) dhe 2216 (2015) të Këshillit të Sigurimit.
A. Individuals
YEi.007 Name: 1: SALEH 2: MESFER 3: SALEH 4: AL SHAER
Name (original script): ???? ???? ???? ??????
Title: na Designation: Major General, ‘Judicial Custodian’ of properties and funds owned by Houthis’ opponents DOB: na POB: Al Safrah, Sa’dah Governorate, Yemen Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Saleh Mosfer Saleh al Shaer b) Saleh Musfer Saleh al Shaer c) Saleh Mesfer al Shaer d) Saleh al Shae e) Saleh al Sha’ir f) Abu Yasser Nationality: Yemen Passport no: a) Yemen number 05274639, issued on 7 Oct. 2013 (Expiration date: 7 Oct 2019) b) Yemen number 00481779, issued on 9 Dec. 2000 (Expiration date: 9 Dec 2006) National identification no: a) Yemen 1388114 b) Yemen 10010057512 Address: Yemen Listed on: 9 Nov. 2021 Other information: As Houthi ‘Assistant Minister of Defence for Logistics’, assisted the Houthis in acquiring smuggled arms and weapons. As ‘Judicial Custodian’ directly involved in the widespread and unlawful appropriation of assets and entities owned by private individuals under arrest by the Houthis or forced to take refuge outside of Yemen. Physical Description: Eye Colour: Brown; Hair: Grey; Complexion: Medium; Build: Slim; Height (ft/in): Unknown; Weight (lbs): Unknown; and Clan: Member of the Hashid tribal confederacy. Photograph available for inclusion in INTERPOL-UNSC Special Notice web link: INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link: https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals
YEi.008 Name: 1: MUHAMMAD 2: ABD AL-KARIM 3: AL-GHAMARI 4: na
Name (original script): ???? ????????? ???????
Title: na Designation: Major General, Houthi Chief of General Staff DOB: 1979 POB: Izla Dhaen, Wahha District, Hajjar Governorate, Yemen Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Mohammad Al-Ghamari born 1984 Nationality: Yemen Passport no: na National identification no: na Address: Yemen Listed on: 9 Nov. 2021 Other information: Houthi Military Chief of General Staff, plays the leading role in orchestrating the Houthis’ military efforts that are directly threatening the peace, security and stability of Yemen, including in Marib, as well as cross-border attacks against Saudi Arabia. Photograph available for inclusion in INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link: INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link: https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals
YEi.009 Name: 1: YUSUF 2: AL-MADANI 3: na 4: na
Name (original script): ???? ???????
Title: Major General Designation: Commander of the Houthi’s Fifth Military Region DOB: 1977 POB: Muhatta Directorate, Hajjah Province, Yemen Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Yemen Passport no: na National identification no: na Address: Yemen Listed on: 9 Nov. 2021 Other information: A prominent leader of Houthi forces and commander of forces in Hudaydah, Hajjah, Al Mahwit, and Raymah, Yemen – threatening the peace, security, and stability of Yemen. As of 2021, Al-Madani was assigned to the offensive targeting Marib. Photograph available for inclusion in INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link: INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link: https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals
Press releases concerning changes to the Committee’s Sanctions List may be found in the “Press Releases” section on the Committee’s website at the following URL: https://www.un.org/securitycouncil/sanctions/2140/press-releases.
The updated version of the Committee’s Sanctions List, available in HTML, PDF and XML format, may be found at the following URL: https://www.un.org/securitycouncil/sanctions/2140/materials.
The United Nations Security Council Consolidated List is also updated following all changes made to the Committee’s Sanctions List and is accessible at the following URL: https://www.un.org/securitycouncil/content/un-sc-consolidated-list.