On 11.10.2024, the fourth meeting of the Technical Inter-institutional Work Group (ITWG) was held. Permanent members of ITWG, as well as representatives from the private sector, participated in this meeting. Under the direction of the General Director of the Financial Intelligence Agency, the meeting was focused on addressing the following topics:
- Implementation of the Action Plan, integral part of the National Strategy “For the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism 2024-2030”;
- Conduct of mock excercises planned to be held for the immediate outcome IO2-IO6-IO7-IO8-IO10-IO11;
- Developed activities of working subgroups of ITWG;
- Introduction of the “Draft Strategy for educating the public on the risk of money laundering and the financing of terrorism in our society” 2025 – 2027″.
The Director General of the Financial Intelligence Agency invited all members of the ITWG for to provide their contribution in finalizing the strategic document and welcomed their suggestions for adding to the table other actors with the relevant experience to offer their expertise in this regard.
Also, particular consideration was specifically requested in the implementation of the measures of the Action Plan of the Strategy with implementation deadline year 2024 and further reporting on the progress of the implementation to Financial Intelligence Agency is highly demanded.