Financial Intelligence Agency

Training with the reporting entities

On October 25 2024, the Financial Intelligence Agency (FIA) organized in cooperation with the Association of Exchange Offices (AFEA) a training activity regarding the Anti-money laundering and countering terrorist financing (AML/FT), for the representatives of the compliance units  of these reporting entities of law no. 9917/2008 “On the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism” as amended.

FIA’s main themes in this outreach activity consisted of issues related to the implementation of AML/CFT legislation, the National ML/FT Risk Assessment, the implementation of international sanctions regarding terrorist financing, individual assessment of ML/TF risk by the reporting entities,  ML/FT typologies and indicators, and aspects for improving the reporting process to FIA.


FIA will continue its active approach in engagement with AFEA, in order to increase preventive capacities of the Exchange Offices as well as further strengthening the integrity of the economic and financial system in the Republic of Albania.